Dr. TAKASHIMA Home-pageWhat's New!

  • Pneumothorax Blog (Jun.12 ,2010)
    Blog page opened! (Infact, I started yet last year on blog site. But New-Blog is using WordPress). Dr.T Pneumothorax Blog is HERE (only in Japanese).

  • Soccer Examination (Sep.13,2009)
    It began a "Soccer examination" this month. Made a site for exam. (only in Japanese)

  • Supporter Navi (Dec.21,2008)
    Link-page in Japanese has been changed to Search-engine. It is called "Supporter Navi"

  • Access Counter changed (Feb.18, 2007)
    Access-counter of DUNGA-HP, mimmai: In those days and Kansai-Jubilist were change.

  • Kansai Jubilist Renewd (May.4,2004)
    Top page of Kansai Jubilist has been renewed. Click HERE to access.

  • Photo added (Aug.18,2003)
    My wife and I went to Bintang-Island, Indonesia. Click HERE to see photographs.

  • BBS was moved (May.5,2003)
    BBS was moved to HERE. You don't have to change anything.

  • mimmai: In those days (Nov.6,2002)
    mimmai unofficial site was opend. mimmai are Ladies Duo from Nagoya. In those days It is the same name of their major-debut album.

  • Rearrange!? (Sep.16,2002)
    Layout has been changed a little. Mainly, top-page was renewed.

  • Photo Added (Aug.25,2002)
    I and my wife went Jakarta and Kuala Lumpur at this summer vacation. Please CLICK HERE to see Photos. (Sorry, in Japanese)

  • NEW BBS ! (Jul.14,2002)
    Message-board(BBS) is renewed. It is Icon-BBS.

  • NIFTY Cancel (Jun.2,2002)
    I canceld a contract with NIFTY. E-mail address and HP-URL are not changed. Chat-Room has moved to HERE.

  • Server moved (Jan.23,2002)
    The server HP putting was moved. But, URL was not changed. You can browse this site as well as present.

  • HP Move (Nov.11 ,2001)
    Home-page has been moved to http://www.jubi-net.com/takashima/eng.htm. BBS (Messge-board) was moved too.

  • Move home (Apr. ,2001)
    I moved home to NAGOYA. I am working at Meijo-University as a Post-Doctor.

  • DUNGA-HP became Official site! (Aug.26,2000)
    DUNGA-HP and Jubilo-Kingdom are recognized as an official site by Dunga himself.

  • Banners (Jul.22,2000)
    Advertising banners are added (Japanese pages only).

  • Colorize (May.15,2000)
    Pages for i-mode (of NTT Docomo) were colorized.

  • Forza! Buffaloes (Mar.17,2000)
    Osaka Kintetsu Buffaloes unofficial supporting page, "Forza! Buffaloes" is added.
    Forza Buffaloes is HERE.

  • It is long time no update(!?)... (Jan.28,2000)
    Index page and my profile pages are updated! It is long time no update!?!?!

  • i-mode pages are added (Dec.28,1999)
    HP applied to i-mode (of NTT Docomo Co.ltd.) was opened. You can see My-HP in the open air. TCDF, Kansai-Jubilist and Chemical Engineering HP was also applied.
    "i-mode HP" is HERE.

  • Open-Cafe Returned ! (Oct.6,1999)
    Open-Cafe(Chat-room) was returned. The tenmorarily chat-room will be closed.

  • The second Chat-Room is started(temporarily). (Oct.1,1999)
    The tentative employment of the Open-Cafe(Chat-Room) was finished. Therefore, Chat-room is closed now. This 2nd-room is temporary. It is still undecided though it will be restored after October 5.

  • Open-Cafe(CHAT) (Jul.2,1999)
    Chat-room was opend. We can "talk" each other on real-time.
    We are holding "Chat-meeting" every saturday. If you are free, please come to "Open-cafe(Chat-room)" at 23:00(Japan time : GMT +09) in saturday.
    You can write in this chat room in Japanese and English.

  • Nanami-HP (Jun.8,1999)
    H.Nanami (Jubilo-Iwata -> Venezia)'s unofficial home-page was added.

  • DUNGA-HP (May.23,1999)
    DUNGA (Jubilo-Iwata -> Internacional)'s unofficial home-page was added.

  • BBS(Message board) (Mar.3,1999)
    BBS was added to my personal page. You can write freely in English and Japanese.

  • Jubilo Photograph (Feb.21,1999)
    My photo associated with Jubilo were added.

  • Moved(Feb.21, 1999)
    Moved to http://www.ne.jp/asahi/taka/jubilo/index.htm
    Please change your bookmark.

  • Indonesia Photograph (Feb.7,1998)
    My photograph, tripping to Indonesia were added.

  • Think about chemicalengineering (Oct.18,1998)
    Home page introducing CHEMICALENGINEERING.

  • Kansai-Jubilist (Jan.24,1998)
    Unofficial supporter group of Jubilo IWATA(of J-League), "Kansa-Jubilist" was started. The page of Kansai-Jubilist was opend at Feb,1998.

  • Open! My home-page! (Sep.8,1997)
    This home-page was opened Sep,1997. When the begnning of this page, there are only my personal page and page of Tennis Circle Double Fault.

Top-page / Message-board(BBS) / Diary(Blog)